

2020/4/21 9:00:39來(lái)源:CATTI中心




大年初三晚上8點(diǎn) 安靜的武漢





可特殊時(shí)期 就讓他們有這一次表達(dá)吧


樂(lè)觀 團(tuán)結(jié) 相信明天

時(shí)間太短 該說(shuō)的名字太長(zhǎng)

但你的樣子 已經(jīng)像我的家人一樣



誰(shuí)放松 誰(shuí)就是對(duì)病毒的放縱

看著你的樣子 真想抱抱你




愛 是不會(huì)忘記的


























On the third day of the Chinese New Year at 8:00 p.m,in tranquil Wuhan,. All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of windows opened, In the melody of the Chinese national anthem and the song My Motherland and Me, People sing in chorus and cheer up for Wuhan. Maybe I can’t recognize you, But during this special period, let people express their love for Wuhan and China in this unusual way!Because it shows us the attitude and characteristics of the people of Wuhan They are optimistic, United, and believe in the future. Time is too short to list your names, But your appearance looks like my family. It's because we’re family that we need to remind each other, This is the most critical time to fight the epidemic, Those who relax are the people who indulge in the virus. I want to hug you when I look at you, ?But this is not the time. Now we keep a distance, It's for the sake of getting closer to each other in the later days. Love will never be forgotten, It's like the experiences and lessons of fighting the epidemic, Which will never be forgotten. And there’s something that will never be forgotten, It's what you like. What you look like is what China looks like. Tomorrow I will be you too. China is what you are, Come on, China!Come on, every Chinese people!


二等獎(jiǎng)蔣明 、劉浩鑫


At 8 p.m. on the third day of the Chinese Lunar New Year,in the peaceful Wuhan; ?

So many windows were opened; ?

Amid the rhythm of our national anthem and the song "Me and My Motherland"; ?

In the great unprompted symphony; ?

Perhaps I couldn't see you face-to-face; ?

But in the special period,let the expression be in this way; ?

For it shows us how brave our Wuhan compatriots are; ?

Optimism,solidarity,believing in tomorrow; ?

The time is too short to say the names; ?

But you just like my family; ?

We should remind each other just for we are family; ?

Now it's the crucial moment to fight the epidemic; ?

The sluggishness is just the surrender to the virus; ?

I want to give you a big hug when I see you; ?

But yet it is not the time; ?

Now we should keep a distance; ?

Just for our intimacy tomorrow; ?

Love,will go on; ??

Just like the experience and lesson of fighting the epidemic; ?

Will never be forgotten; ?

What will be in our memory forever; ?

Is what you look like; ?

You,are just China; ?

Tomorrow I am you too; ?

China will be what you are; ?

Hang in there,China!?; ??

Hang in there,every compatriot!


On the evening of the third day of Chinese New Year

Many windows were opened in communities of Wu Han

In the rhythm of March of the Volunteers and My People, My Country

And in this spontaneous tutti

Maybe I cannot see your face clearly

But please give them a chance to express during the epidemic

I can feel people of Wu Han

Optimistic, United, and faithful

Words can not speak out in short time

But you are as close as my family

I have to warn you/It is the key period we fight for disease

And you cannot relax little

Or the virus spread more quickly

I wish I could give you a hug

But not now/We keep distance today

And we will be more intimate tomorrow

Love will not be forgotten

Just like experience and lessons from the chaos

One thing people must remember

And remember forever

Is you

You stand for China

I will be you tomorrow

China is how you behave

Come on China!Come on, every Chinese!



New Year’s Day at eight o’clock in the quiet city of Wuhan.Suddenly opened so many windows.In the melody of the national an them and "Me and My Country",in this spontaneously agreed chorus.I don’t know what you look like,but let them express it this time.Because it makes us see the optimism and unity of Wuhan people,belueve in the appearance of tomorrow.The time is too short and the name is too long.But you already look like our family.It’s because family that we have ?to remind each other.Now is the most critical time to fight the epidemic,whoever relaxes is the indulgence of the virus.Look at you.I want to hug you.But it’snot the right time,we’re keeping our distance,just for tomorrow.Love will not be forgotten,just as the experience and lesssons of the epidemic will not be forgotten.And what will never be forgotten is the way you look.You look like China.Tomorrow I’m you too.China is what you are.Come on,China!Come on,every Chinese!



On the third day after the Spring Festival,

Wuhan is quiet at 8 pm

Suddenly so many windows opened

In the spontaneous national anthem and "My People, My Country" cantata,

Maybe I cannot see you clearly

But in this special period,

Let them have this special case

Because we can see the appearance of Wuhan people

Optimism, unity and faith in tomorrow

Time is too short to say the list of people

But you have become my family

So we remind each other

This is the most critical moment in the fight against the epidemic

Whoever slacks off is an indulgence to the virus

I want to give you a hug when I see you

But now is the wrong time

Let's keep our distance for the moment

Just to be closer tomorrow

Love is never forgotten

Like the lessons of the epidemic

And your appearance

Which is the appearance of China

I will become you tomorrow

What are you like, what is China like

Come on, China!

Hang in there, Chinese!


At 8:00pm,?

the third night ?of Chinese new year of the Mouse,

in silence stands the city of Wuhan.

Suddenly, somewhere outdoors floats

the melody of the national rhythm,?

?and then?My Motherland and Me

Windows open in sequence?

making it accompanied?

on a chord in hearts.?

Such a spontaneous chorus?

in this special time!

?In the chorus,?

though unable to see?

your faces in the eye,?

I know that on your eyes,?

optimism, solidarity?

?and faith for future?

are never faded.??

Though little time to know?

all stories of our fellows,?

?we stand together as families?

and hold on in the race against virus.?

My dear brothers and sisters,?

How much I'd like to give you a big hug!

But we need to wait before the winter passes.

Distance keeps us from virus, not love.?

?And love,?

?as well as the experience and lessons?

in the fight against the epidemic disease?

will be remembered forever.?

And so it is with your posture,?

which is also the nation's posture.?

Stay strong, China.?

Jiayou, all my fellows.










