

2021/6/18 10:05:26來源:CATTI中心




THW disallow the construction of gated communities in developing countries (A gated community is a form of residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances, closed perimeter of walls and high private security. These are usually located in urban city centres and are exclusively inhabited by wealthier people)


Key Clashes:

1. What is state obligation?

2. How does this affect the functionality of these areas?



Clash 1 Gov:

State must act as an equalizing actor and protector (same way it provides free state school to those who can’t afford it, welfare services, etc.):

● This is another element of segregation considering developing countries are mostly post-colonial states who have experienced tribal wars after colonialism - these gated communities are inhabited by foreigners or rich individuals from the majority tribe in that country who have the power, influence and resources to inhabit those areas - impact: harmed social integration due to the cult of personality formed around exclusionary culture that seeks to be superior to everyone else

● Even if they are not socially exclusionary - likely to price houses and other resources so high that others cannot afford, thus economic exclusion



Clash 1 Opp:

State must provide optionality for society:

● Exclusive benefit: optionality in a free market - private land can be used however the intended by the owner, and they pay dues back to state in form of tax, etc. this allows state to provide choice for individuals to live and invest their money how they want




Clash 2 Gov:

Excluded local actors:

● Lack of proximity to resources in urban centre - the rich and powerful 1. More likely to build these communities close to CBD for ease of access, 2. Want to make the area more efficient for them to function in: thus likely to have better roads around these gated communities, malls, street lights, more reliable water facilities, etc. Outspill of these developments increases pricing in nearby areas as well due to increased quality of life - lower income groups are pushed out and now must commute from other more areas into the urban centre for work

● Rich and foreign tend to stick with their crowd and not integrate with other groups - since poorer locals are forced to live in separate areas, they will tend to cluster due to pricing and familiarity - foreign and rich actors tend to form harmful stigmas that those areas are different, dangerous, lower class, etc. - hard to humanize individuals who must bare that stigma



Clash 2 Opp:

Why gentrification is good:

● Incentivises business investment - people want to conduct business in nice areas: good security, high quality of life, etc.

● Due to increase in business and quality of life, state is pushed to increase controls to ensure various groups are catered for and can benefit from the development: i.e. better labour laws, increase access to jobs there, stricter rules on business actions as businesses come up or expand, etc.

● Labour unions have capacity and legitimacy to negotiate movement of labour and access to resources which state is likely to protect in order to decrease development gap