

2021/11/29 17:47:33來源:CATTI中心



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In March the rate of annual inflation in Britain reached 7%, the biggest such increase in 30 years. Energy bills are rising most sharply, but price increases are occurring across the board. The consequence will be a fall in living standards over the coming fiscal year of 2.2%, a drop not seen since records began in the 1950s. Whether that counts as a crisis depends on your income. For the very poorest the choice is already between heating or food; for the more affluent, the dilemma is picking Netflix or Disney+. But what is clear is that the rising cost of living will be unusual in affecting people across the income distribution — and that the worst is yet to come.

Energy prices have been rising dramatically for many months. The cost of heating oil, used by around 3% of Britons to heat their homes in winter, soared by 44% in March compared with the prior month. Motorists paid around 30% more to fill up at the pumps in March than they did in the corresponding month in 2021.

Household energy bills are also spiraling. The government limits the amount that energy suppliers can charge households; the cap jumped by 54% in April, to an average annual charge of around £2,000. Customers on prepayment plans, who pay for their gas and electricity before they can use it, get bills that fluctuate with the seasons. The Fuel Bank Foundation, a charity, says that average prepayment bills will rise from around £107 in March to £131 in April. Bills for the majority who pay in smooth increments via direct debit will see a bigger rise, of closer to 60 this month.

Eating has also become pricier. In March food was 6% more expensive than the year before. There are shortages of workers in fields and factories, as well as of specific commodities such as sunflower oil. The prices of inputs such as fertilizer and energy have soared.

Although food- and energy-price increases have gained most attention, they are part of a broader trend. Several major mobile-phone networks yanked up their prices by as much as 11.7% at the beginning of April. The expiry of a lower rate of value-added tax on restaurants and hotels means higher prices in the hospitality industry. Rising national-insurance contributions will add to the difficulty on budgets from this month.


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In a time not so long ago or far away, eating family dinner, connecting with your spouse after tucking the children into bed or talking with your children in the in-between times like the ride to school was well, just routine.

But times have changed. Our growing cultural mindset is that we’re too busy to connect with those closest to us, even though we collectively want to. Parents and children alike increasingly invest their downtime in phones and on social media and there’s a general sense that there’s always more. More to read, more to reply to and more to see. Because of this pressure to always consume more, it can feel wasteful to slow down to appreciate the people in front of us, for fear of missing out on life happening elsewhere.

Although it’s true that we can always consume more information, it’s not true that slowing down and taking time to connect — particularly face-to-face — is a waste of time. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Making time for social connections can reduce the chances of depression and anxiety caused by loneliness. And those connections can have broader benefits as well. John Gottman notes in his book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, that enhancing your knowledge of your spouse’s day-to-day experiences is key to a happy, healthy marriage and a happier, healthier life.

But just because the data shows that making time for face-to-face interaction has a huge payoff doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. The gap feels far between what you know you should do and what you feel you have time to do. To help bridge that divide, here are a few simple ways to integrate face-to-face interaction into your family’s lifestyle.

Eat Together

Eating together as a family requires intentional effort, but most families can manage it at least a few times through the week. In my family growing up, eating dinner together was a priority, so how we chose activities, such as which dance classes to take, involved whether or not the class schedule would allow us to eat as a family. You may reassess the timing of extracurricular activities or make any adjustments to your work schedule so you can make it home in time to eat with your spouse or children. If family dinners at home won’t work regularly, then try to find alternatives. For example, try to eat breakfast together or have weekend rituals such as savoring a Saturday brunch or a Sunday dinner together. To get the full benefit of those meals, keep away the phones and turn off the TV. You may want to have a basket for everyone to put their phones in, on silent, before the meal starts. The goal is to not just eat but to get a sense of what’s going on in everyone’s lives, and to get the gist of their emotional state.

Wind Down Together

Another important opportunity to reconnect with each other is winding down together before bed. Using electronic devices in the hour before bed makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. So you can improve your physical health and the health of your relationships by using that time to connect with your spouse instead. Some of my clients form a pact with their significant other to be off technology by a certain time of night. Plus, it’s a good idea to set your phone to “do not disturb” mode so you rest peacefully. This tech-free before sleep ritual gives you the opportunity to pay attention to your spouse and to stay emotionally attuned to how he or she is feeling. It’s also a perfect time to ask for details about their day or their thoughts, or follow up on earlier side comments like “I had a rough day at work” when your attention isn’t divided by children, evening errands or other issues around the house.

Live Life Together

I understand time can feel tight and we all legitimately have things to do. So the best opportunity for face-to-face, meaningful connection is to invite your family members into whatever you’re already doing. Ask your kids to help you cook. Invite your spouse to walk the dog with you, and turn it into an evening ritual. Connection develops and strengthens in the little day-to-day moments. We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection. Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow. Making those deeply personal, face-to-face connections a priority in your family builds meaningful bonds.

Translate the following passage into English. (50 points)
